About Us

create with passion

The KPA-AUTOMOTIVE company is a young company on the market. We offer services in the field of construction and commissioning of production lines in the automotive industry.

Mając na uwadze dynamiczny rozwój technologiczny i projektowy w branży motoryzacyjnej dysponujemy grupą kilkudziesięciu specjalistów, którzy posiadają ogromne doświadczenie oraz znajomość języków, dzięki czemu możemy współpracować z firmami na całym świecie.


Our goal is to achieve an innovative assembly organization using the latest technologies. We are flexible in cooperation and the time of our clients counts for us.

We are characterized by the dynamics and variety of orders. Our employees had the opportunity to work for companies such as: FFT, Thyssenkrup, EBZ SysTec, Mercedes, Magna, Messbuero, building technological lines for the production of cars for the following brands: Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen, Jaguar, BMW.

You can check all our projects in the "Projects" tab

For consultations, pricing and technological questions, please contact us by e-mail and telephone.